Spring Carnival
Please join us for a fun-filled spring carnival on May 17th from 5 to 7 pm. If you can volunteer to help to run games and hand out prizes. Please sign up by following the link here: https://tinyurl.com/LRECarnival2024
Please join us for a fun-filled spring carnival on May 17th from 5 to 7 pm. If you can volunteer to help to run games and hand out prizes. Please sign up by following the link here: https://tinyurl.com/LRECarnival2024
Our first association meeting of the year will take place after drop-off on the first day of school in the Loma Ridge Activity Center. It’s a great opportunity to meet other parents and learn how you can help. If you … Continued
Join us for our first dine-out event of the school year at Chick-fil-A in the Woodbury Town Center on Wednesday, August 28th. 15% of total sales will be donated to Loma Ridge -- at no additional cost to you!
Join your child for a picnic during their scheduled lunch time on September 13th – bring lunch or a snack to enjoy together on the grass (and don’t forget a blanket or chairs)!
Use Code MODGIVES25 when ordering online.